Search Results for: nsa surveillance

Summary of legal authority supporting National Securitry Agency surveillance activities, letter from the US Department of Justice Office of Legislative Affairs to senior members of the US Senate and House Intelligence Committees, December 22, 2005 [citing constitutional powers, statutory authority...


Press Briefing by US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and General Michael Hayden, Principal Deputy Director for National Intelligence on the legal issues surrounding the NSA authorization of domestic surveillance, December 19, 2005. Read the full text of the briefing. Reported...


Top Senate Democrats have said that they never approved or were fully briefed on the National Security Agency's post-September 11th domestic surveillance program . President Bush has vigorously defended the program, which monitors international communications of people in...


During a press conference Monday morning, US President George W. Bush defended his authorization of the National Security Agency's eavesdropping on US residents , saying he has the constitutional responsibility and constitutional authority as...


Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Sunday called for a congressional investigation into the Bush administration's use of domestic spying on terror suspects. Reid called for an investigation and hearings into the intelligence program overseen by the...